The Eras CAL - Chain Start

There are 2 ways you can use a chain start for working in the round: you can make a circle, or simply work all of your stitches into the first chain.

To work into a chain circle, typically, you will work a chain 4, and then join it together with a slip stitch into the first chain. You will then work all of your stitches into the middle of the circle.

If you wanted to work into the first chain, you would simply not join with a slip stitch, and work the number of stitches required to take it up to the height of the round out of the first chain.

The number of chains out of your centre depends on the pattern. The first chain you make is the circle centre, and then the number of chains you work after will be based on the pattern. If it calls for treble stitches, you’d work 3 chains, but it is only doubles, then a single chain, not counting the centre chain.

Top tip: If you struggle to locate the middle of your circle or the same chain, use a stitch marker or piece of thread to indicate where the space is, so you can continue to work into that space. When creating the circle of chains, do this once you have inserted your hook into the 1st chain, so you can easily see the middle space before you complete the slip stitch as it can be harder to locate then.