Welcome to Week Three of your Crochet for Beginners Course. This week we will be adding in a couple more crochet stitches called the half-treble and double-treble crochet.
They work much in the same way as last week’s treble crochet, but there is a slightly different combination of yarn over and pulling through. With the half-treble, when left with 3 loops on your hook after pulling up a loop you will pull through all 3.
The double-treble crochet your is worked similarly to the treble, only you yarn over twice before you go into your stitch. More on those shortly.
There aren’t many new techniques this week, we are adding in increases and decreases to hep add shaping to your squares. This, put simply, means doing 2 or more stitches into the same space. To decrease, you join 2 stitches together.
Week Three Techniques
Increasing in crochet is super straightforward, it simply requires you to do 2 or more stitches into the same space.
Decreasing in crochet means to simply join two stitches together.
Week Three Stitches
Half-Treble Crochet
Yarning over before you insert your hook, helps create a stitch between a double and a treble.
Double-Treble Crochet
Yarning over twice before you insert your hook creates a stitch taller than a treble.
Week Three Squares
Square Nine: Circle into a Square
Make Square NineWorking in the round to take a solid circle into a square
Square Ten: Granny Circle into a Square
Make Square TenUsing a granny stitch technique to work a circle into a square.
Square Eleven: Wave Stitch
Make Square ElevenUsing a foundation of different size stitches, with a repeat of increase and decreases to create a wave pattern.
Square Twelve: Chevron Stitch
Make Square TwelveUse a foundation of differnet sizes stitches to create a chevron effect.